
ZEHUA WU is an innovative, cutting-edge fashion brand founded in New York 2022 belongs to ARTWOKE INC., attracting people’s attention through its unique futuristic designs, mystery shapes and colors, unique brand aesthetic, immersive stories and high-quality craftsmanship.

ZEHUA envisions a new cultural phenomenon in society that redefines modern art by implementing the value and depth of fine art and technology in a fashion way. She aspires to make modern art wearable, touchable, and communicative to everyone.

ZEHUA has showcased her work in various presentations worldwide in New York, Boston, London, and Beijing. Her 2022 collection ‘The Artificial Flower’ collection, using only four uniquely crafted garments and self-invented textile creation, shortly gained recognition after its debut from publications such as New York Times, Marie Claire, Numero Magazine, and so forth. Simultaneously, the collection received admiration and support from numerous industry celebrities and stylist teams.